Tag Archives: Spaced


25 Aug

Ever watched the comedy series ‘Spaced’?  There was a character in it called Daisy, who deemed herself a writer, yet tried her very best to do anything other than write.  For years I’ve felt like that.  I wanted to write, yet there was always an excuse not to – work, eating, walking the giraffe etc.  So in the last couple of months I gave myself a much-needed kick up the ass and started to write.  Quite a  bit actually. 

Now I have the time, I also spend my days scouring for all manner of writing stuff, in fact anything  I can get my hands on such as this http://slingink.com/slingink-competitions/slingink-scribbling-slam-2010/.  Hopefully I will be joining in, it would be good to see you there.